jueves, 24 de marzo de 2011


Es duro darse cuenta de que por mucho que lo intentes, por mucho que busques; siempre, al final, sólo quedas tú. Para escucharte, para comprenderte, para animarte... Sólo te tienes a ti.

Ansiamos esa intimidad, nos creemos capaces de sobrevivir sin el resto, presumiendo de una autosuficiencia a menudo difícil de defender. Puede pasar algún tiempo antes de que te des cuenta de la rémora necesidad, que paradójicamente ha sido siempre el trampolín al siguiente escalón. Como bien me han enseñado, no existe evolución, sino coevolución.

Soberbios, orgullosos, nosotros capaces de todo... muy a mi pesar, hay veces en que nos necesitamos, en que por lo menos yo te necesito. Herida ante la evidencia, doblegada, vulnerable... imagina cómo me siento cuando entiendo que nadie vendrá a buscarme, que el apoyo que comprendí necesitaba tomar prestado me ha sido negado. Sola, me siento sola... y es que realmente lo estoy.

Perdida, totalmente desorientada. Adivino tu imagen al final del camino, pero ya no quiero verte a ti. Me cuesta creer que la realidad sea ésta, que no seas tú el que había de acompañarme, el que alumbraría el bosque de dudas, de inseguridades. Me hace daño verte, me miras como a un bicho extraño; parece que ya no hay nada que decir, que todo ha terminado. Cuando quieras, sabes que no puedo evitar seguir aquí, acompañada en tu defecto, de la decepción, que conociéndola como la conozco, la sé dañina, pero también pasajera. 

lunes, 14 de marzo de 2011

The longest journey

Stucked in a nonsense line, between reality and some other place - apart from it all.

It's time for a redirection. The time for changing my point of view and keep on walking that different way has arrived. Time to grow up, as a plant that comes up the ground has to become a flower coming out. -Now, here it goes the request:

Would you accompany me? Would you be my gentleman today? Would you be him forever?

I warn you it's a long journey and that's why I need you to be sure about it, firmly dispelling any possible doubt crossing my mind. But hurry up, there's not too much time for you to make a decision, you'll have no second chance, no choice.

It's getting cold out here... you stare at me as if what I'm saying had nothing to do with you. But believe me, things have turned this way and from tonight nothing will be the same anymore, or so I expect. And yes darling, you are involved in it; you have been involved in all this stuff since you first stole a glance at me.

Then a smile flickered across your lips, sweet and warm. The decision had been made.

So come closer, it's getting late and when the time arrives, I want you here with me, holding my hand as if I were leaving forever, as if you weren't going to face me anymore.

And actually, that was going to take place. The girl standing next to you is going to turn into an eventually diminished memory to become a different version of the one you used to love. Pretending not to be scared when your whole body shivers, holding me tight as if I could vanish through the art of magic although your feet rushed you to take me out of here. Trying your best as you've always done, taking care of me even when I'm not me anymore.

Tonight dear, answers will come to light and you'll discover what I still haven't been able to show you about me. It is because you remain with me, after all I've said, that questions will be solved. Without you, the person I am while being together would be nonsense. That person is the one we'll finally meet, the one I am going to feed to see me with you. She, with you by her side, is going to start the longest journey... Something I could never had managed.

martes, 1 de marzo de 2011

Look at the stars, look how they shine for you.

Just when nothing reminded me of you... here you are, again. Just when I'm not strong enough to face you, when everything you can give me is exactly what I need.

Not from you, not from you anymore. That universe we used to sail, despite you were the one who inspired it, is not for you now. And I know I'm risking myself not to being able to regain it at the hands of someone else, because maybe there isn't anyone else I could share it with. Dear, you look so attractive to me... you are aware you embody the forbidden fruit, the fruit I promised myself not to bite again. It's hard enough for me living without the stuff you involved, but once you told me we can neither live from words and promises.
You ask for an answer, excuse me if it never comes to you. Can't stand a few words being enough to spoil my life, and that's the effect you have on me, that's the effect you've always had.

Yes darling, I see the stars, and I realize they shine for me. Actually, you are smart enough to see here's the problem.